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(702) 333-7000
1 Breakthrough Way, Las Vegas NV 89135
4425 S. Pecos Rd. Ste. 6, Las Vegas NV 89121
If you require immediate medical assistance, please call 911.
To request a clinic appointment, please call our patient scheduling line at (702) 732-3330 or complete the form below and a representative will get back to you during normal business hours.
Clinic appointments are scheduled from 8 AM to 4 PM Monday through Friday.
Same-day or next business day appointments are available for most urgent conditions.
No patient is turned away for financial reasons.
From same-day or next business day appointments for urgent conditions,
After-Hours Information
At Cure 4 The Kids Foundation, our doctors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are an established patient and need to reach a provider after hours, please call Cure 4 The Kids Foundation's main number at (702) 732-1493 to have the doctor paged or call the Pediatric Orthopedic Center at (702) 333-7000 and select option 4 to contact the doctor.
if you have a serious medical problem and are seen in a hospital emergency room, the providers are trained to provide emergency care. At your request, they can make arrangements for follow-up care in our practice. If urgent orthopedic evaluation is needed, we are available and will respond to the emergency department provider's request.
Dr. Stewart is available 24/7 for emergency calls and consultations from emergency room and urgent care providers. On occasions when Dr. Stewart is out for medical conferences or other events, our staff will be able to connect you to a covering provider.